Disney Performing Arts Presents – Let’s Sing Christmas
Singing in a Winter Wonderland!

Let’s Sing Christmas ©Disney
As Disneyland® Paris is transformed into a Winter Wonderland, with dazzling decorations and even snowflakes falling on Main Street U.S.A® – enhance your trip further by taking part in Disney Performing Arts Presents – Let’s Sing Christmas!
We invite your choir or vocal group to join Mickey to be part of an unforgettable once in a lifetime experience, singing the Magic of Christmas at Disneyland® Paris.
Legend tells that the power of uniting voices from around the world, is strong enough to light the brightest Christmas star! A mix of Disney Characters, Disney professional singers, a unique performance venue and technical wonderment, will all create this magical event.
A vocal workshop prior to the performance will give the chosen choirs an unforgettable glimpse into the world of entertainment at Disneyland® Paris!
Please contact a member of our Disney Team for more information on how to apply!
Due to the limited number of performance slots and accommodation packages, applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
Important Information
Application & Audition Requirements:
Due to the limited number of performance slots and accommodation packages, applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis. Standard Disney Performing Arts application documents should be completed and sent within the regular timelines (at the latest 10 weeks prior to their requested performance date). Audition repertoire will be specific to this event – each group is required to send 2 full non-religious Christmas songs, the rest of the audition criteria remains unchanged & should feature at least 90% of those performers requesting to perform.
There will be up to 2 shows scheduled on each date, potentially made up of choirs from multiple groups. Each show will feature a maximum of 100 performers.
Depending on the number of confirmations, groups may have the opportunity to perform in 1 or 2 shows per day over the 2 days, but should be ready to perform in both shows each day if the opportunity arises. Show times will be confirmed at a later date & may be scheduled at any time of the day.
Show Repertoire:
Specially commissioned Disney repertoire will be used for the performances. Following confirmation, all accepted groups will receive the pieces and will be required to learn everything for their respective show date.
Show Costume & Accessories:
Performers are required to wear black bottoms, black tops & black closed toed footwear, with no visible logos – Christmas coloured capes/gowns will be provided by Disney for all performers to wear during the show.
We can provide prices for the Eurostar train from London St Pancras, Ebbsfleet International or Ashford International to Disneyland Paris. Alternatively we can source flights from your local airport or book an executive coach from your home town with ferry or Eurotunnel crossings. Please enquire for more details.
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