Est. 1985
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Fred.Olsen Cruise Lines for Groups

Get the most out of your Fred.Olsen Cruise for your group

Greatdays Group Travel’s Cruise team are experts in helping to book and get the most out of a cruise with Fred.Olsen for you and your group.

The roots of Fred.Olsen Cruise Lines trace back to 1848 in Hvitsten, a village on the Oslofjord (one of the current scenic cruising highlights of their Norway cruises). The first Olsen family ship-owner was a certain Fredrik Christian Olsen, who operated a fleet of primitive sailing vessels. Only a few years later Fredrik’s brother, Petter and Andreas, became involved in trading with small fleets of sailing vessels, starting in 1852 and 1860 respectively.Read more

©Fred.Olsen Cruise Lines

Greatdays Wholesale

Greatdays offer a trade only booking service for coach and tour operators or professional group travel organisers and we can provide single or multiple elements of a holiday.

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Greatdays Holidays

Greatdays are able to offer a complete tailor-made booking service for group travel organisers with the help of one of our friendly consultants to assist you through the booking process.

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